Search For agents In Quotes 26

I have been surrounded by some of the smartest brightest most caring lawyers by agents who are willing to risk their lives for others by support staff that are willing to work as hard as they can.

Foreign Ministry guys don't become agents. Party officials the Foreign Ministry nerds tend not to volunteer to Western intelligence agencies.

I feel that I and the people under my command tried to use all the traditional methods of recruiting agents which were also used by other intelligence services adopting also means like pressure money sex - but that did not characterize my service.

Well what did we buy? Instead of a leaner smarter government we bought a bureaucracy that now tells us which light bulbs to buy and which will put 16 500 IRS agents in charge of policing President Obama's health care bill.

The great constitutional corrective in the hands of the people against usurpation of power or corruption by their agents is the right of suffrage and this when used with calmness and deliberation will prove strong enough.

The people are the government administering it by their agents they are the government the sovereign power.

We worship an awesome God in the Blue States and we don't like federal agents poking around our libraries in the Red States. We coach Little League in the Blue States and have gay friends in the Red States.

I can do comedy so people want me to do that but the other side of comedy is depression. Deep deep depression is the flip side of comedy. Casting agents don't realize it but in order to be funny you have to have that other side.

For more than four decades the Libyan people have been ruled by a tyrant - Moammar Gaddafi. He has denied his people freedom exploited their wealth murdered opponents at home and abroad and terrorized innocent people around the world - including Americans who were killed by Libyan agents.

I think it makes people in the Pentagon kind of nervous to know that chemical agents and environmental factors could cause so much damage in terms of what may happen in the future.