There are psychological repercussions to illness and we need a little more help to get through the effects not only on the afflicted but on the family. And I think there's even a place for humor in that.
I would go to the deeps a hundred times to cheer a downcast spirit. It is good for me to have been afflicted that I might know how to speak a word in season to one that is weary.
Cure yourself of the affliction of caring how you appear to others. Concern yourself only with how you appear before God concern yourself only with the idea that God may have of you.
We can stand affliction better than we can prosperity for in prosperity we forget God.
When we're dealing with the people in our family - no matter how annoying or gross they may be no matter how self-inflicted their suffering may appear no matter how afflicted they are with ignorance prejudice or nose hairs - we give from the deepest parts of ourselves.
Some people feel guilty about their anxieties and regard them as a defect of faith but they are afflictions not sins. Like all afflictions they are if we can so take them our share in the passion of Christ.
My heart hath often been deeply afflicted under a feeling that the standard of pure righteousness is not lifted up to the people by us as a society in that clearness which it might have been had we been as faithful as we ought to be to the teachings of Christ.
God's way of answering the Christian's prayer for more patience experience hope and love often is to put him into the furnace of affliction.
If some persons died and others did not die death would be a terrible affliction.
The worst disease which can afflict business executives in their work is not as popularly supposed alcoholism it's egotism.