Search For addiction In Quotes 22

Learning about all those different things psychologically - about grief and my own addictions and problems and stuff like that and really getting an education on it I think it was part of the process of it learning about it and trying to lick it.

It is time to end the discrimination against people who need treatment for chemical addiction. It is time for Congress to deal with our Nation's number one public health problem.

Addiction should never be treated as a crime. It has to be treated as a health problem. We do not send alcoholics to jail in this country. Over 500 000 people are in our jails who are nonviolent drug users.

Coffee and smoking are the last great addictions.

Let us build a 21st-century rural economy of cutting-edge companies and technologies that lead us to energy and food security. Such an investment will revitalize rural America re-establish our moral leadership on climate security and eliminate our addiction to foreign oil.

I always think I am one of the millions and millions of people that struggles with an addiction to food. I don't know how to relax that's my problem.

My three addictions of choice are food love and work.

A moderate addiction to money may not always be hurtful but when taken in excess it is nearly always bad for the health.

People should watch out for three things: avoid a major addiction don't get so deeply into debt that it controls your life and don't start a family before you're ready to settle down.

Practically every environmental problem we have can be traced to our addiction to fossil fuels primarily oil.