Search For accurately In Quotes 14

Fairness forces you - even when you're writing a piece highly critical of say genetically modified food as I have done - to make sure you represent the other side as extensively and as accurately as you possibly can.

I always hated high-school shows and high-school movies because they were always about the cool kids. It was always about dating and sex and all the popular kids and the good-looking kids. And the nerds were super-nerdy cartoons with tape on their glasses. I never saw 'my people' portrayed accurately.

To me there is something superbly symbolic in the fact that an astronaut sent up as assistant to a series of computers found that he worked more accurately and more intelligently than they. Inside the capsule man is still in charge.

Photography suits the temper of this age - of active bodies and minds. It is a perfect medium for one whose mind is teeming with ideas imagery for a prolific worker who would be slowed down by painting or sculpting for one who sees quickly and acts decisively accurately.

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If you come into success too soon you'll burn out and be finished before you know it. If you let the maturation process happen naturally you'll be happier with yourself in the end.