Search For acceptable In Quotes 32

The aspects of patriotism that hush dissent encourage going along and sanction comfortable distancing and compliance with what is indecent and unacceptable... those aspects are too fundamental to ignore or gloss over.

On radio and television magazines and the movies you can't tell what you're going to get. When you look at the comic page you can usually depend on something acceptable by the entire family.

Today it is research with human embryonic stem cells and attempts to prepare cloned stem cells for research and medical therapies that are being disavowed as being ethically unacceptable.

I love chicken. I would eat chicken fingers on Thanksgiving if it were socially acceptable.

I find that people find a way out of misery through humor and it's humor that's often unacceptable to people who are not in quite such a state of misery.

I think one of the basic tasks in life - one of the nice things we can do for each other - is to take things that are horrible and scary and make them acceptable and less frightening and if possible funny. It feels great to succeed at that.

A lot of the powerful religious leaders from Jesus to Buddha to Tibetan monks they're really talking about the same things: love and acceptable and the value of friendship and respecting yourself so you can respect others.

A mistake is always forgivable rarely excusable and always unacceptable.

Acceptable food rots while we are chased from bins behind restaurants chased from sleeping on the street chased from relieving ourselves unless we pay for food or gas until finally we are so hungry sleepless smelly constipated and beaten-down that we simply die of lack of will to live.

It's horrible how money and fame can make you acceptable while if you're not famous or rich you're not acceptable.

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Actually I think my view is compatible with much of the work going on now in neuroscience and psychology where people are studying the relationship of consciousness to neural and cognitive processes without really trying to reduce it to those processes.