Search For abroad In Quotes 54

When I travel abroad because I'm Columbian I'm always one that they check twice and security and I'm the one that they open my bag and the one they pull to the side to check the visa.

At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer if it ever reach us it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen we must live through all time or die by suicide.

In some ways England is more liberal than France but I also find it more intrusive. But when you go abroad you have to accept the ways of where you live. I have to respect that.

The Christian religion though scattered and abroad will in the end gather itself together at the foot of the cross.

The two things I was positive about in life were that I was going to be a teacher at a boarding school or an operative with the CIA posted abroad. I could write a book about all the things I was sure about.

I wish the Peace Corps and its volunteers continued success and perseverance. We are grateful for their contributions to society and dedication to providing assistance where it is needed. May the Peace Corps continue its legacy of service both at home and abroad.

In the Peace Corps the volunteer must be a fully developed mature person. He must not join to run abroad or escape problems.

Many African leaders refuse to send their troops on peace keeping missions abroad because they probably need their armies to intimidate their own populations.

When your country is in a costly war with our soldiers sacrificing abroad and our nation facing a debt crisis at home being asked to pay your fair share isn't class warfare - it's patriotism.

Our platform calls for a balanced deficit reduction plan where the wealthy pay their fair share. And when your country is in a costly war with our soldiers sacrificing abroad and our nation facing a debt crisis at home being asked to pay your fair share isn't class warfare - it's patriotism.