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The interesting thing about being a mother is that everyone wants pets but no one but me cleans the kitty litter.

The stars that nature hung in heaven and filled their lamps with everlasting oil give due light to the misled and lonely traveller.

Nature is commonplace. Imitation is more interesting.

There's something in human nature the trying-to-get-on-with-it quality of people the struggle to maintain or keep the show going can be exhausting.

Human nature is so well disposed towards those who are in interesting situations that a young person who either marries or dies is sure of being kindly spoken of.

It stands to the everlasting credit of science that by acting on the human mind it has overcome man's insecurity before himself and before nature.

Music's been around a long time and there's going to be music long after Ray Charles is dead. I just want to make my mark leave something musically good behind. If it's a big record that's the frosting on the cake but music's the main meal.

Bands are about these little relationships that make everything tick and when you create new music you're testing those relationships.

What I'm trying to do is find either existing properties or come up with properties or angles or stories which will create music drama. It's my obsession and most of all I would like to remain working in theatre. I think it's very much alive.

A movie goes from several stages from idea to script. As you continue shooting you will make some adjustments. You're constantly adjusting. It's like a piece of music. You're constantly trying to make it better.

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When I started on MySpace people wanted to support me but once I rose to fame with the MTV show they felt like I had abandoned them for some reason that I was too famous to talk to them anymore.