Search For standing In Quotes 380

In a country like France so ancient their history is full of outstanding people so they carry a heavy weight on their back. Who could write in French after Proust or Flaubert?

I have a long-standing history of respecting artists' wishes.

If you take a look at history you will find that the understanding of what is good and evil has always existed before the individual religions. The religions were only invented by people afterwards in order to express this idea.

The advantages found in history seem to be of three kinds as it amuses the fancy as it improves the understanding and as it strengthens virtue.

'WASP' is the only ethnic term that is in fact a term of class apart from redneck which is another word for the same group but who are in the lower social strata so it's inexplicably tied up with social standing and culture and history in a way that the other hyphenations just are not.

Neither the life of an individual nor the history of a society can be understood without understanding both.

A Conservative is a fellow who is standing athwart history yelling 'Stop!'

To maximize our potential to enhance our health and our knowledge we should remain open to new understanding and evolving technology or resources that might inspire a change in our approach to these important questions.

Better understanding of the natural world not only enhances all of us as human beings but can also be harnessed for the better good leading to improved health and quality of life.

Anywhere you have extreme poverty and no national health insurance no promise of health care regardless of social standing that's where you see the sharp limitations of market-based health care.

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Over the past few years the road to confrontation has shown its consequences: loss of innocent lives destruction and fear. Most costly however was the loss of hope. The most precious gift that you can present to your peoples over the coming weeks is renewed hope born out of tangible progress on the ground.