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I was in uniform for four years and I know that heroism doesn't occur from taking orders but rather from people who through their own willpower and strength are willing to sacrifice their lives for an idea.

Any act often repeated soon forms a habit and habit allowed steady gains in strength At first it may be but as a spider's web easily broken through but if not resisted it soon binds us with chains of steel.

It is a maudlin and indecent verity that comes out through the strength of wine.

Let a woman have her place because as you provide foundation for her she provides a foundation for you. And through that vulnerability comes strength.

When you call upon a Thoroughbred he gives you all the speed strength of heart and sinew in him. When you call on a jackass he kicks.

I'm not just a doormat. I'm not just being stepped on all over the place. If you look at the bulk of my material it's about trying to find some strength through that.

Life always rides in strength to victory not through internationalism... but only through the direct responsibility of the individual.

True strength lies in submission which permits one to dedicate his life through devotion to something beyond himself.

Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.

Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender that is strength.