Search For relationships In Quotes 186

When someone says that I'm angry it's actually a compliment. I have not always been direct with my anger in my relationships which is part of why I'd write about it in my songs because I had such fear around expressing anger as a woman.

It's amazing the relationships you forge in a kitchen. When you cooperate in an environment that's hot. Where there's a lot of knives. You're trusting your well-being with someone you've never before met or known.

After all my various relationships I find myself now home alone.

I'm done with men... I'm going to be alone. I have no luck with relationships. I don't think I'm made for marriage.

I think I meant that given the circumstances of my childhood I had the illusion that it's easier to be alone. To have your relationships be casual and also to pose as a solitary person because it was more romantic. You know I was raised on the idea of the ramblin' man and the loner.

I feel like a lot of the female relationships I see on TV or in movies are in some way free of the kind of jealousy and anxiety and posturing that has been such a huge part of my female friendships which I hope lessens a little bit with age.