I know there are people who don't like their audience or like the experience of being recognized or celebrated but my audience has been very good - they don't bother me and when they do contact me it's usually on the nicest possible terms.
So that ends my first experience of matrimony which I always thought a highly over-rated performance.
More people should read books. It's the most concentrated experience you can have.
The historical experience of socialist countries has sadly demonstrated that collectivism does not do away with alienation but rather increases it adding to it a lack of basic necessities and economic inefficiency.
Equality means nothing unless incorporated into the institutions.
The Internet is the hope of an integrated world without frontiers a common world without controlling owners a world of opportunities and equality. This is a utopia that we have been dreaming about and is a world in which each and every one of us are protagonists of a destiny that we have in our hands.
Sinn Fein has demonstrated the ability to play a leadership role as part of a popular movement towards peace equality and justice.
The complaint of bad pay and difficulty in obtaining it is almost generally reiterated through every department of education.
Excitement in education and student productivity the ability to get a result that you want from students go together and cannot be separated.
During the decades after Brown v. Board of Education there was terrific progress. Tens of thousands of public schools were integrated racially. During that time the gap between black and white achievement narrowed.