Search For powerful In Quotes 234

The most meaningful engine of change powerful enough to confront corporate power may be not so much environmental quality as the economic development and growth associated with the effort to improve it.

We need to accept the seemingly obvious fact that a toxic environment can make people sick and that no amount of medical intervention can protect us. The health care community must become a powerful political lobby for environmental policy and legislation.

Education has fundamentally changed my life. It's perhaps the mission of my life. I'm wed to it in a very powerful and personal way. And I chose the pathway that I believe could make me the most significant on changing the outcomes that we see now in North Carolina.

A horse is the projection of peoples' dreams about themselves - strong powerful beautiful - and it has the capability of giving us escape from our mundane existence.

I think taking design out of the studio and really having a relationship with the people that you're making it for really convinced me of how powerful a thing design is. It's not just an aesthetic decoration.

Nothing endears so much a friend as sorrow for his death. The pleasure of his company has not so powerful an influence.

You hear a lot about God these days: God the beneficent God the all-great God the Almighty God the most powerful God the giver of life God the creator of death. I mean we're hearing about God all the time so we better learn how to deal with it. But if we know anything about God God is arbitrary.

I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge. That myth is more potent than history. That dreams are more powerful than facts. That hope always triumphs over experience. That laughter is the only cure for grief. And I believe that love is stronger than death.

Now I meditate twice a day for half an hour. In meditation I can let go of everything. I'm not Hugh Jackman. I'm not a dad. I'm not a husband. I'm just dipping into that powerful source that creates everything. I take a little bath in it.

A father's disappointment can be a very powerful tool.