Search For intern In Quotes 326

The Internet is just bringing all kinds of information into the home. There's just a lot of distraction a lot of competition for the parent's voice to resonate in the children's ears.

I never come back home with the same moral character I went out with something or other becomes unsettled where I had achieved internal peace some one or other of the things I had put to flight reappears on the scene.

Everybody knows they're on the Obama team: There isn't vice presidential vs. presidential division there's not a generational pull. People have internalized that this is a real moment in history.

The president led us into the Iraq war on the basis of unproven assertions without evidence he embraced a radical doctrine of pre-emptive war unprecedented in our history and he failed to build a true international coalition.

History is filled with tragic examples of wars that result from diplomatic impasse. Whether in our local communities or in international relations the skillful use of our communicative capacities to negotiate and resolve differences is the first evidence of human wisdom.

The Carter Center has the only existing international taskforce on disease eradication. Which means a total elimination of a disease on the face of the Earth. In the history of the world there's only been one disease eradicated: smallpox. The second disease I think is gonna be guinea worm.

Terrorism takes us back to ages we thought were long gone if we allow it a free hand to corrupt democratic societies and destroy the basic rules of international life.

Rogue internet pharmacies continue to pose a serious threat to the health and safety of Americans. Simply put a few unethical physicians and pharmacists have become drug suppliers to a nation.

Science is the international language so when we are able to convince countries that good decision-making for human health and animal health is based upon science that's a real success story for us.

Health care costs blunt the competitive edge of American entrepreneurs from the auto industry to internet start-ups.