Search For intel In Quotes 852

I never threatened him and no Syrian intelligence officer has ever pointed a gun to his head.

The standard rumor at the time was that Rumsfeld as chief of staff had persuaded President Ford to appoint George H.W. Bush as director of Central Intelligence assuming that that got rid of a potential competitor for the presidency.

Another factor is the decision made in 1976 to sharply divide the FBI and the foreign intelligence agencies. The FBI would collect within the United States the foreign intelligence agencies would collect overseas.

You want to keep intelligence separate from policy.

Intelligence we gathered at the time indicated that this was in fact leadership and we struck the leadership.

But the same intelligence compels Germany to practise the same policy.

That U.N. Security Council resolution requires getting Syrian troops and intelligence officials out of Lebanon so that the Lebanese can have elections here this spring that are free and fair and free of outside influence.

First I have the privilege of being Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. It is not an oxymoron I assure you.

Affairs of state tend to drive most presidents toward the center on both foreign and domestic policy no matter where on the political spectrum they begin and especially so in the areas of intelligence and law enforcement.

The plan we developed to deal with al Qaeda depended on developing sources of human and technical intelligence that could give us insights into his plans at the tactical level. This is easy to say but hard to accomplish.