Search For greate In Quotes 739

It is by such means as the prize offered by your Committee that the attention of the world will be focused and that men and women will be inspired to greater efforts in the interest of peace.

These measures may not constitute an absolute guarantee of peace but in my opinion they constitute the greatest preventive measures ever adopted by nations.

I know of no greater work for humanity than in the cause of peace which can only be achieved by the earnest efforts of nations and peoples.

Under the auspices of peace our comprehensive renaissance will be built and it will be a model for those who wish to emulate it in the greater Arab homeland.

I attach the greatest importance to an amplification of the peace efforts in the Middle East. I would also like to see a greater dialogue between the U.S. and the EU.

The greatest problem all around the world today whether in America Japan China Russia India or anywhere else in the world is that people are not in peace. People want peace.

I feel that my father's greatest legacy was the people he inspired to get involved in public service and their communities to join the Peace Corps to go into space. And really that generation transformed this country in civil rights social justice the economy and everything.

I know that if the peace movement takes its message boldly to the Negro people a powerful force can be secured in pursuit of the greatest goal of all mankind. And the same is true of labor and the great democratic sections of our population.

All of us deserve a greater peace of mind knowing that our children are better protected wherever they are.

Civil strife is as much a greater evil than a concerted war effort as war itself is worse than peace.