Search For formation In Quotes 298

Fear is a question: What are you afraid of and why? Just as the seed of health is in illness because illness contains information your fears are a treasure house of self-knowledge if you explore them.

We all want more information available when making health care decisions for ourselves and our families.

And so to those who suggest that we are somehow 'harming' young women by encouraging them to take charge of their health we say this: We are not harming young women by educating them. We are arming them with information that they will carry with them throughout their lives.

I think young writers should get other degrees first social sciences arts degrees or even business degrees. What you learn is research skills a necessity because a lot of writing is about trying to find information.

My house was bugged. They couldn't find any information on me being a subversive because I happen to love America I just don't like some of the things the government is doing.

If Bush as I believe has reliable information on the fact that Saddam Hussein is making weapons of mass destruction I cannot not support the policies of his government.

We are witnessing an enormous shift of collective consciousness throughout the world. We are at the precipice of great transformation within our culture and government.

The control of information is something the elite always does particularly in a despotic form of government. Information knowledge is power. If you can control information you can control people.

A popular government without popular information or the means of acquiring it is but a prologue to a farce or a tragedy or perhaps both.

It is no good getting furious if you get stuck. What I do is keep thinking about the problem but work on something else. Sometimes it is years before I see the way forward. In the case of information loss and black holes it was 29 years.

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In any case decisions on troop levels in the American system of government are not made by any general or set of generals but by the civilian leadership of the war effort.