Search For dream In Quotes 1133

A dream collage is pictures of your goals. It is like your future photo album.

I keep dreaming of a future a future with a long and healthy life not lived in the shadow of cancer but in the light.

My parents taught me to never give up and to always believe that my future could be whatever I dreamt it to be.

It is by no means an irrational fancy that in a future existence we shall look upon what we think our present existence as a dream.

All successful people men and women are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be ideal in every respect and then they work every day toward their distant vision that goal or purpose.

Do not dwell in the past do not dream of the future concentrate the mind on the present moment.

There is nothing like a dream to create the future.

The past is a ghost the future a dream and all we ever have is now.

A dream is your creative vision for your life in the future. You must break out of your current comfort zone and become comfortable with the unfamiliar and the unknown.

I think a lot of stuff I find funny is from day dreaming.