Search For comfort In Quotes 303

If US per capita income continues to grow at a rate of 1.5 percent a year the country will have plenty of money to finance comfortable retirements and high-quality healthcare for all citizens including those at the bottom of the wage ladder.

People feel uncomfortable talking about racial issues out of fear that if they express things they will be characterized in a way that's not fair. I think that there is still a need for a dialogue about things racial that we've not engaged in.

I'm always interested in trying to investigate different personalities. I want to keep myself guessing and keep the fear element alive so that I don't get too comfortable.

Americans have an abiding belief in their ability to control reality by purely material means... airline insurance replaces the fear of death with the comforting prospect of cash.

God make me so uncomfortable that I will do the very thing I fear.

Greed like the love of comfort is a kind of fear.

Prosperity is not without many fears and distastes adversity not without many comforts and hopes.

I'm in that comfortable niche where I'm not that famous and sometimes people do need to put a barrier between them and their followers. When you're real famous you need to do that but I'm not that famous so I don't need that kind of barrier.

I don't think I'll ever be comfortable with the idea of being famous.

And I don't want to live anywhere where I am famous. It makes me very very uncomfortable because it conveys an advantage over people and I don't like that.