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The American economic political and social organization has given to its citizens the benefits of material prosperity political liberty and a wholesome natural equality and this achievement is a gain not only to Americans but to the world and to civilization.

Civilization is built on a number of ultimate principles... respect for human life the punishment of crimes against property and persons the equality of all good citizens before the law... or in a word justice.

The equality that we are all entitled to as citizens of this democracy can't be avoided by some religious dogma of a President who's is supposed to believe in the notion of separation of church and state. And he frankly doesn't.

Our society needs to recognize the unstoppable momentum toward unequivocal civil equality for every gay lesbian bisexual and transgendered citizen of this country.

Environmental policy must strike a balance between the earth's best interests and our citizen's pressing needs.

A constitutional democracy is in serious trouble if its citizenry does not have a certain degree of education and civic virtue.

States have the responsibility to create rules and conditions for growth and development and to channel the benefits to all citizens by providing education and making people able to participate in the economies and in decision-making.

When the state or federal government control the education of all of our children they have the dangerous and illegitimate monopoly to control and influence the thought process of our citizens.

We pay a price when we deprive children of the exposure to the values principles and education they need to make them good citizens.

Opportunity expands when there is excellence and choice in education when taxes are lowered when every citizen has affordable portable health insurance and when constitutional freedoms are preserved.