Search For author In Quotes 203

The great work must inevitably be obscure except to the very few to those who like the author himself are initiated into the mysteries. Communication then is secondary: it is perpetuation which is important. For this only one good reader is necessary.

Becoming a mother cannot help but change things. An author's life is reflected in their writing whether they want it to be or not and parenthood is one of the biggest life changes there is.

I can't change overnight into a serious literary author. You can't compare apples to oranges. William Faulkner was a great literary genius. I am not.

Every song has a composer every book has an author every car has a maker every painting has a painter and every building has a builder. So it isn't irrational to take this simple logic a little further and say that nature must have had a Maker. It would be irrational to believe that it made itself.

I hate the actor and audience business. An author should be in among the crowd kicking their shins or cheering them on to some mischief or merriment.

Almost anyone can be an author the business is to collect money and fame from this state of being.

The turning point was when I hit my 30th birthday. I thought if really want to write it's time to start. I picked up the book How to Write a Novel in 90 Days. The author said to just write three pages a day and I figured I can do this. I never got past Page 3 of that book.

Old wood best to burn old wine to drink old friends to trust and old authors to read.

All the best performers bring to their role something more something different than what the author put on paper. That's what makes theatre live. That's why it persists.

Punishment may make us obey the orders we are given but at best it will only teach an obedience to authority not a self-control which enhances our self-respect.

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I have my parents to thank for that they raised me to be active and play all sports. They taught me the importance of staying healthy being focused and setting goals in whatever I do.