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And the Republican Party especially associates the market with the idea of progress goodness family and points us toward the mall as an answer to all our personal dreams.

You have to be vigorous. That's the only way you are going to get it because everybody has dreams and everybody has goals but the only people who achieve them are the ones that go after it and don't take no for an answer.

Dreams are today's answers to tomorrow's questions.

The argument for intelligent design basically depends on saying 'You haven't answered every question with evolution '... Well guess what? Science can't answer every question.

A Nicklaus Design golf course is done by the guys in my company that I work with that have been trained in my vision and they do what they think I might do. They might come in the office and ask me questions and I'd certainly answer their questions but I'm not involved in the site visits or anything else.

In the last analysis it is our conception of death which decides our answers to all the questions that life puts to us.

The call of death is a call of love. Death can be sweet if we answer it in the affirmative if we accept it as one of the great eternal forms of life and transformation.

That is the great mistake about the affections. It is not the rise and fall of empires the birth and death of kings or the marching of armies that move them most. When they answer from their depths it is to the domestic joys and tragedies of life.

I don't really talk about my personal life. It's a strange and funny and weird thing. Sometimes you have a conversation with someone and the paparazzi snaps a picture of you and people decide you're dating. If I try to answer everything people say I would be up all night.

I was really bright as a kid and tested well and it was clear that I was going to get scholarships to any schools I wanted. My dad always said I could be an engineer at that time it was the elite of society: steady job working in science which was then the answer to every problem we had. It was kind of a mandate. Kind of a dream he had for me.