Search For tryin In Quotes 628

All water has a perfect memory and is forever trying to get back to where it was.

I just want to keep making music recording and trying different things. I don't want to do the same thing all the time.

I'm not trying to keep up or adapt. I'm allowing myself to grow evolve and create new music.

When you grow up in the music industry trying to be Britney Spears because that's what sells records and then you realize 'All I have to do is be myself? I should have thought of that a long time ago ' it feels good to have success come from what's actually inside of you.

What I'm trying to do is find either existing properties or come up with properties or angles or stories which will create music drama. It's my obsession and most of all I would like to remain working in theatre. I think it's very much alive.

A movie goes from several stages from idea to script. As you continue shooting you will make some adjustments. You're constantly adjusting. It's like a piece of music. You're constantly trying to make it better.

I'm not trying to clock scores in this lifetime it's just that things are better now than they were like five ten years ago. Music has gotten a lot better. There's a lot of people who are committed to - soulfully.

I am trying to walk a tightrope trying to keep the DJ community happy while trying to spread the message about dance music to more people. That is the mission that I am on.

I'm a big collector of vinyl - I have a record room in my house - and I've always had a huge soundtrack album collection. So what I do as I'm writing a movie is go through all those songs trying to find good songs for fights or good pieces of music to layer into the film.

Back then people closed their eyes and listened to music. Today there's a lot of images that go with the music. A lot of music is crap and it's all commercial and the images are all trying to sell the record.