Search For system In Quotes 486

Our country also hungers for leadership to ensure the long-term survival of our Social Security system. With 70 million baby boomers in this country on the verge of retirement we need to take action to shore up the system.

We should be therefore supporting a larger Europe and in so doing we should strive to expand the zone of peace and prosperity in the world which is the necessary foundation for a stable international system in which our leadership could be fruitfully exercised.

You cannot transpose the U.S. system on Turkey and the Turkish system on France etc. You have to understand the people and their culture. That's leadership.

I have run a general election campaign pregnant and ran Ed Miliband's leadership campaign commuting to London with a new baby so I already have my system set up.

In our system leadership is by consent not command. To lead a President must persuade. Personal contacts and experiences help shape his thinking. They can be critical to his persuasiveness and thus to his leadership.

I love sharing my knowledge of hitting with others. Now coaches and players at all levels can learn my systematic approach to hitting a baseball with more consistency mental strength and accuracy.

Breaking into a system or exposing its weaknesses is a good thing because truth and knowledge must win out.

When David Marr at MIT moved into computer vision he generated a lot of excitement but he hit up against the problem of knowledge representation he had no good representations for knowledge in his vision systems.

Thus in accordance with the spirit of the Historical School knowledge of the principles of the human world falls within that world itself and the human sciences form an independent system.

Whole areas of knowledge and information have been defined into nonexistence because the system cannot know understand control or measure them.