Search For stage In Quotes 245

Humanity should question itself once more about the absurd and always unfair phenomenon of war on whose stage of death and pain only remain standing the negotiating table that could and should have prevented it.

My grandmother was an actress too. In the thirties and forties she was under contract with Universal Studios. Crazy credits lots of them. My dad was also under contract with Universal Studios. And my first film was shot on the same stage they both worked on at Universal.

We all have roles in life. I'm a dad a husband this and that but basically I only feel justified in being alive when I'm on the stage.

Well my dad was a pretty good player at one stage and my two older brothers played golf as well. So there were always golf clubs flying around the house.

And what is a stage dad or a stage mom? It's someone who's protective. That's all.

My mom and dad worked very hard to give me the best chance in - not just in golf but in life. You know I was an only child you know my dad worked three jobs at one stage. My mom worked night shifts in a factory.

When I used to do musical theatre my dad refused to come backstage. He never wanted to see the props up close or the sets up close. He didn't want to see the magic.

I want any excuse to come home. My dad is not a spring chicken any more. If anyone says 'Go buy a postage stamp in London ' I'll go and do it.

My dad tells me that he took us to a pantomime when I was very very small - panto being a sort of English phenomenon. There's traditionally a part of the show where they'll invite kids up on the stage to interact with the show. I was too young to remember this but my dad says that I was running up onstage before they even asked us.

I don't really know any other musicians like me. I grew up backstage with my dad who played in a post-war dance band so I always feel at home at a venue.

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