My brother Bob doesn't want to be in government - he promised Dad he'd go straight.
We must remind Americans that the promise of opportunity remains unbroken - that every person in this great nation can succeed through hard work courage and personal responsibility.
We know the threats - from global terrorist networks to the spread of deadly weapons. Yet we also know that embedded in this time of danger is the promise of a new day if we have the courage and commitment to work together.
Everybody even me sometimes had to compromise on something doing things we know to be wrong and this happens doing whatever job in the world. But a singer must have the courage of saying no.
Soldiers when committed to a task can't compromise. It's unrelenting devotion to the standards of duty and courage absolute loyalty to others not letting the task go until it's been done.
Today we affirm a new commitment to live out our nation's promise through civility courage compassion and character.
Courage not compromise brings the smile of God's approval.
Internet mailing lists are like Fox television shows. They have really cool previews and they get you all excited about them but they just don't live up to their promises.
Even before he came to power in 1997 Gordon Brown promised to change the accounts to parliament from simple litanies of cash in and cash out to a more commercial system that took notice of the public property the departments were using. This system is known as resource accounting.
If I can change than anyone can change. I promise you that.