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Romance and novel paint beauty in colors more charming than nature and describe a happiness that humans never taste. How deceptive and destructive are those pictures of consummate bliss!

I decided that if I could paint that flower in a huge scale you could not ignore its beauty.

At some point in life the world's beauty becomes enough. You don't need to photograph paint or even remember it. It is enough.

In my world history comes down to language and art. No one cares much about what battles were fought who won them and who lost them - unless there is a painting a play a song or a poem that speaks of the event.

I just like art. I get pure pleasure from it. I have a lot of wonderful paintings and every time I look at them I see something different.

I like the fact that in ancient Chinese art the great painters always included a deliberate flaw in their work: human creation is never perfect.

Deals are my art form. Other people paint beautifully on canvas or write wonderful poetry. I like making deals preferably big deals. That's how I get my kicks.

One of the main reasons I am so drawn to Hitchcock is that he planned his shots way in advance on story-boards which he designed like classic paintings (he was an art connoisseur). It's why he found shooting on set boring - because he had already composed the film in his head.

Shadows sometimes people don't see shadows. The Chinese of course never paint them in pictures oriental art never deals with shadow. But I noticed these shadows and I knew it meant it was sunny.

All art is exorcism. I paint dreams and visions too the dreams and visions of my time. Painting is the effort to produce order order in yourself. There is much chaos in me much chaos in our time.