Search For livin In Quotes 649

I've always thought anyone can make money. Making a life worth living that's the real test.

Well I think indigenous peoples have ways of living on the Earth that they've had forever. And they've been overrun by organized religion which has had a lot of money and power.

Capital is money capital is commodities. By virtue of it being value it has acquired the occult ability to add value to itself. It brings forth living offspring or at the least lays golden eggs.

If you make a living if you earn your own money you're free - however free one can be on this planet.

You have to go broke three times to learn how to make a living.

My dad is a lawyer and my mom is an artist. So growing up was exactly what it sounds like - strict household but a lot of creativity. They are so psyched that I get to make music for a living. My parents rule.

I think my first big purchase was actually for my mom. She had one of those '90s TVs in her living room that's like a 10x10 brick so I purchased her a flatscreen for her living room.

You know that I am living proof that the American Dream is real. Growing up our congressman cut through government bureaucratic red tape to help my mom buy our first house. That's the kind of congressman I'll be.

We didn't have a TV in the living room and all my friends thought we were kind of weird. When they'd come over my mom wanted to talk to them about current events.

Mom and Pop were proud of my popularity but from their point of view show business was no way to make a living.

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I love Charlie Billy Burke's character. Writing for him is so spectacular he's so funny and wry and every scene he's in he just takes. There's a scene in 'Eclipse' where Bella tells him she's a virgin and it's the funniest most awkward scene I've ever seen on film.