Search For inside In Quotes 185

Every child senses with all the horse sense that's in him that any parent is angry inside when children misbehave and they dread more the anger that is rarely or never expressed openly wondering how awful it might be.

So I'm not worried about the emotions I carry with me because I'm happy that I have them I think it's good for the work I do. The emotions that are not healthy are the ones you hold inside like anger.

Anger tears me up inside... My own... or anyone else's.

I used the music kind of as therapy and it's just amazing that I feel so free after doing that. I feel like I had it trapped inside of me and now I feel free. So it's been a very good therapy session for me as well.

The lips on my upper right bicep are my girlfriend's lips. She has the most amazing lips and I wanted to carry them around with me everywhere I go considering I can't carry her lips physically with me. So I decided to place them in a discreet location such as the inside part of my bicep.

When I receive letters from girls that say 'You give me confidence ' I think 'Wow this is amazing.' That's my goal: to let people know it's truly what's on the inside that counts.

Always expect the unexpected. Right around Thanksgiving when the new Alex Cross will be out. It's called Four Blind Mice and it's a pretty amazing story about several murders inside the military.

Exercise is amazing from the inside out. I feel so alive and have more energy.

You will never cease to be the most amazed person on earth at what God has done for you on the inside.

This is nourishing redemptive we become less alone inside.