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January is the garbage can of movies in America directly after all the Oscar contenders have been out.

I sure lost my musical direction in Hollywood. My songs were the same conveyer belt mass production just like most of my movies were.

The length of a film should be directly related to the endurance of the human bladder.

Directing is: you're overwhelmed the whole time. Your mind never stops. If you care about it. You wake up in the morning and you begin thinking about it and then you go to sleep at night and you're still thinking about it.

I never want to make a film. I don't wake up in the morning going 'Ooh I'd really love to be on set making a film today'. I'm aware that other contemporary film directors perceive film-making as what they do as what they have to do. But I would hope that I am more catholic in my tastes.

Most of the top actors and actresses may be working in ten or twelve films at the same time so they will give one director two hours and maybe shoot in Bombay in the morning and Madras in the evening. It happens.

But when I felt like I had something to prove? Then I got up early every morning and worked all day long. I didn't know if I had any more talent than anyone else directing but I knew I could work hard at it and so I did.

A bachelor is a man who comes to work each morning from a different direction.

Money is always on its way somewhere. What you do with it while it is in your keeping and the direction you send it in say much about you. Your treatment of and respect for money how you make it and how you spend it reflect your character.

The thing that fascinates me is that the way I came to film and television is extinct. Then there were gatekeepers it was prohibitively expensive to make a film to be a director you had to be an entrepreneur to raise money.