Search For differ In Quotes 1279

We're going to raise a lot of money for cancer awareness give some to the American Cancer Society and hopefully make a big difference.

I think being different going against the grain of society is the greatest thing in the world.

Boy's natural play is rough and tumble play it's the universal play of little boys. And it's very different from aggression. And we are a society that's failing to understand the distinction.

The Holocaust illustrates the consequences of prejudice racism and stereotyping on a society. It forces us to examine the responsibilities of citizenship and confront the powerful ramifications of indifference and inaction.

The trouble is it's very difficult to pin-point the most important thing because Aids affects everyone in different levels of society differently and you have to respond to it differently.

Women are treated differently by society for exactly the same reason that children and the mentally handicapped are treated differently.

A commercial society whose members are essentially ascetic and indifferent in social ritual has to be provided with blueprints and specifications for evoking the right tone for every occasion.

An emancipated society on the other hand would not be a unitary state but the realization of universality in the reconciliation of differences.

Bjorn was a different breed I threw my best material at him but he would never smile but that added to the charm when he played me and Mac. We were going nuts and losing our mind and he was sitting back like he was on a Sunday stroll.

I enjoy jokes smiling and making people smile. I may be a little different but that's OK who wants to be normal anyway?