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As told in Friendship with God if we simply decided to believe and act as if first we're all one and second life is eternal it would render virtually everything we've done all our lives pointless.

A growing number of young women who have the freedom to decide have decided that career can wait and the delicious early years of their children's lives can't.

Analysis does not set out to make pathological reactions impossible but to give the patient's ego freedom to decide one way or another.

I worked for the Office of Management and Budget in the White House on nuclear energy policy. But I decided it would be much more fun to have a specialty food store so I left Washington D.C. and moved to the Hamptons. And how glad I am that I did!

I'm a filmmaker who decided to go to culinary school. All I picked up was the fact if I didn't understand what was going on with every single ingredient I could be qualifying for like the lunch food job at my daughter's school.

Europe is difficult to coordinate and our main deficit may not even lie in this area of finance and economics but in foreign and security policy. We have a leadership problem because we are still 27 different members who have still not decided on how to work with each other based on what we used to call a European constitution.

I decided to make 'Captain America' because I realized I wasn't doing the film because it terrified me. You can't make decisions based on fear.

I guess we decided to make a new record 3 years ago when Nancy was done scoring for Almost Famous.

Decide very early on: do you want to be an actor or do you want to be famous? Because they're very different routes.

I think that once you open the door and allow people in on a certain aspect it's very hard to then control how far that ripple effect is. So I think that the person who is known or famous has the ability to decide what they do or don't want to share.

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And now I still really don't care that much but now I have music playing all the time at home which is a first for me. Whatever. Everything from Ani DiFranco to Dave Matthews to Jack Johnson and Norah Jones.