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Of course there is no question that Libya - and the world - will be better off with Gaddafi out of power. I along with many other world leaders have embraced that goal and will actively pursue it through non-military means. But broadening our military mission to include regime change would be a mistake.

Every night half an hour before curtain up the bells of St. Malachy's the Actors' Chapel on New York's 49th Street peal the tune of 'There's No Business Like Show Business.' If you walk the streets of the theatre district before a show and see the vast enthusiastic lines it sounds like a calling: there is certainly no place like Broadway.

Energy and environmental regulation transportation and broadband policy all benefit when legislators have a basic grounding in the technical concepts behind business models products and innovation.

Design in its broadest sense is the enabler of the digital era - it's a process that creates order out of chaos that renders technology usable to business. Design means being good not just looking good.

Married couples who work together to build and maintain a business assume broad responsibilities. Not only is their work important to our local and national economies but their success is central to the well-being of their families.

I always wanted to be a zookeeper when I was growing up and I've wound up a zookeeper! I've been working with the Los Angeles Zoo for 45 years! I'm the luckiest old broad on two feet because my life is divided absolutely in half - half animals and half show business. You can't ask for better than two things you love the most.

It's not just Bin Laden or just those that are involved in the counterterrorism effort. We've gotta cast the net broader than that. But I think it's a - very special tribute that we all owe to the bravery and courage of the men and women in the intelligence and military business who performed so well to finally get it done.

Democrats think the country works better with a strong middle class real opportunities for poor people to work their way into it and a relentless focus on the future with business and government working together to promote growth and broadly shared prosperity. We think 'we're all in this together' is a better philosophy than 'you're on your own.'

Our birthdays are feathers in the broad wing of time.

Broadly speaking the short words are the best and the old words best of all.