Search For sting In Quotes 669

I think that great poetry is the most interesting and complex use of the poet's language at that point in history and so it's even more exciting when you read a poet like Yeats almost 100 years old now and you think that perhaps no one can really top that.

I definitely wish to distinguish American poetry from British or other English language poetry.

Manifesting that order of poetry where we can at last grow up to that which we stored up as we grew.

Translation is an interestingly different way to be involved both with poetry and with the language that I've found myself living in much of the time. I think the two feed each other.

I try not to wear anything I have to fidget with - there's nothing worse than wearing something and pulling down the hem and re-adjusting the top. My pet hate is when girls wear those strapless dresses and spend the whole night yanking them up.

My third appeal is to my fellow citizens in all countries: Help us to establish lasting peace in the world.

The popular and one may say naive idea is that peace can be secured by disarmament and that disarmament must therefore precede the attainment of absolute security and lasting peace.

Modern society based as it is on the division of labor can be preserved only under conditions of lasting peace.

Mankind will never win lasting peace so long as men use their full resources only in tasks of war. While we are yet at peace let us mobilize the potentialities particularly the moral and spiritual potentialities which we usually reserve for war.

I've always had questions about what it meant to be a protester to be in the minority. Are the people who are trying to find peace who are trying to have the Constitution apply to everybody are they really the radicals? We're not protesting from the outside. We're inside.

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The sport of horse racing which at its best showcases the majestic beauty of this animal and the athleticism of jockeys has reached an alarming level of corruption and exploitation.