Search For standing In Quotes 380

We have an incredible warrior class in this country - people in law enforcement intelligence - and I thank God every night we have them standing fast to protect us from the tremendous amount of evil that exists in the world.

We will strengthen our security by building missile defense restoring our military might and standing by and strengthening our intelligence officers.

An intelligent person is never afraid or ashamed to find errors in his understanding of things.

The capacity you're thinking of is imagination without it there can be no understanding indeed no fiction.

It will take some time before a politician will capture the imagination of the American people and have the vision and understanding to do what is necessary for a better future for the people of America and the world.

Well the fact is that one imagination is critically important and if you have had your imagination stimulated by what is basically a variety of subjects you are much more amenable to accepting to understanding and interacting with the realities of the world.

What I really have in my head my imagination my understanding of music I never really get that out.

Talent lying in the understanding is often inherited genius being the action of reason or imagination rarely or never.

Imagination is a poor matter when it has to part company with understanding.

Aptitude found in the understanding and is often inherited. Genius coming from reason and imagination rarely.