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It is a kind of spiritual snobbery that makes people think they can be happy without money.

We Hoosiers hold to some quaint notions. Some might say we 'cling' to them though not out of fear or ignorance. We believe in paying our bills. We have kept our state in the black throughout the recent unpleasantness while cutting rather than raising taxes by practicing an old tribal ritual - we spend less money than we take in.

Sometimes you struggle so hard to feed your family one way you forget to feed them the other way with spiritual nourishment. Everybody needs that.

Women know what men have long forgotten. The ultimate economic and spiritual unit of any civilization is still the family.

Being a Barrymore didn't help me other than giving me a great sense of pride and a strange spiritual sense that I felt OK about having the passion to act. It made sense because my whole family had done it and it helped rationalise it for me.

When you have a godly husband a godly wife children who respect their parents and who are loved by their parents who provide for those children their physical and spiritual and material needs lovingly you have the ideal unit.

All faith consists essentially in the recognition of a world of spiritual values behind yet not apart from the world of natural phenomena.

I am sensitive to the value of faith and religion and spirituality in people's lives because I'm a journalist.

Don't be confused that my interest in religion faith and spirituality is driven by any sense of faith or spirituality of my own.

Through history people look for something spiritual. The greatest scientists in the world were men of religion and faith too.