Search For places In Quotes 184

The most common error made in matters of appearance is the belief that one should disdain the superficial and let the true beauty of one's soul shine through. If there are places on your body where this is a possibility you are not attractive - you are leaking.

Everybody needs beauty as well as bread places to play in and pray in where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.

When museums are built these days architects directors and trustees seem most concerned about social space: places to have parties eat dinner wine-and-dine donors. Sure these are important these days - museums have to bring in money - but they gobble up space and push the art itself far away from the entrance.

All art comes from other art and all immigrants come from other places.

One of my favorite vacation places is Miami because of the people the water and the beach - of course - and the architecture on Miami Beach is so wonderful.

But I absolutely believe that architecture is a social activity that has to do with some sort of communication or places of interaction and that to change the environment is to change behaviour.

Look architecture has a lot of places to hide behind a lot of excuses. 'The client made me do this.' 'The city made me do this.' 'Oh the budget.' I don't believe that anymore.

Color in certain places has the great value of making the outlines and structural planes seem more energetic.

Having my first number one single and being able to travel to places I've never been before has been amazing. The tour was also fantastic. There are so many things which I've experienced this year which I never even dreamed of.

I'm crazy about my father he's an amazing man a real adventurer. He took us with him to travel all over the world. We were in places that were so remote that white people hardly ever reach them.