Search For patriot In Quotes 179

I think the Hispanic community the values that resonate in our community are fundamentally conservative. They are faith family patriotism.

Look I think Hispanic community - the values that resonate in our community are fundamentally conservative. They are faith family and patriotism.

I think on-stage nudity is disgusting shameful and damaging to all things American. But if I were 22 with a great body it would be artistic tasteful patriotic and a progressive religious experience.

When I grew up I only had two dreams. One was to be a cowboy and another was to be in the military. I grew up extremely patriotic and riding horses.

It is our conduct our patriotism and belief in our American way of life our courage that will win the final battle.

Although the war in which you fought took place more than half-a-century ago your courage your sacrifice and your patriotism reaches through the decades and inspires us today.

Our young people have come to look upon war as a kind of beneficent deity which not only adds to the national honor but uplifts a nation and develops patriotism and courage.

I saw courage both in the Vietnam War and in the struggle to stop it. I learned that patriotism includes protest not just military service.

I really think the Patriot Act violates our Constitution. It was it is an illegal act. The Congress the Senate and the president cannot change the Constitution.

Patriotism is best exemplified through auto-critique. When you're willing to stand up within the group and say 'It is wrong for Black people to be anti-Semitic ' or 'It is wrong for America to discriminate against persons of African descent and made them slaves and based its wealth upon free labor ' it's crucial to say that.