Search For feelin In Quotes 501

Woody Allen is really the ultimate. I love that he believed in himself enough to do what he did. And I have that same feeling - that there's nobody that looks like me in movies nobody would cast me as a romantic lead but I want to do it and I feel confident that I can.

A lot of the struggle I had with movies is I really loved moments and tones and feelings in a scene and I loved creating those but I never really had great stories to string them together.

A film is - or should be - more like music than like fiction. It should be a progression of moods and feelings. The theme what's behind the emotion the meaning all that comes later.

I like to wake up each morning feeling a new man.

I wake up every morning feeling lucky - which is driven by fear no doubt since I know it could all go away.

I remember being at school during morning meeting and looking around at everybody 350 kids saying a prayer. We're all very young and no one knows what it means and I remember feeling strange that people were just repeating words that they didn't understand. I refused to participate. For some reason I always rejected it but respectfully.

Sometimes I lose a whole morning waiting on journalists and other people who look for me. But I always find some time for reading talking to my friends and feeling what is happening in this world.

It means a lot in my business and its a wonderful feeling to be recognized for what you have done over a lifetime but I didn't go crazy. I still eat my cereal in the morning have a sandwich in the afternoon go to bed at night. You know nothing really different.

I always like to start my morning with a good amount of fruit. I really like pineapple particularly because of the enzymes that it has. Sometimes I have oatmeal. But if I'm feeling like I really want to be watching my weight more then I definitely do a protein like an omelet scrambled eggs or some smoked salmon.

But it's a blessing to be so successful within a year it's the greatest feeling in the world making money and doing the things that I'm doing and I definitely trying to continue doing what I'm doing.

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When man learns to understand and control his own behavior as well as he is learning to understand and control the behavior of crop plants and domestic animals he may be justified in believing that he has become civilized.