Search For earned In Quotes 438

I'd go down to the end of my street to a garage that had a certain feeling about it or a particular light I'd take a picture of a friend who needed a head shot. That's how I learned instead of having school assignments and learning camera techniques.

As a part of preparing those lawsuits learning about those lawsuits I learned about the various nuclear issues in parts of the nuclear production process I guess you'd say.

Travel provided many interesting experiences but perhaps the most useful lesson I learned was that I really had no proficiency for learning the thousands of characters of the written Chinese language.

The relation of repetitions for learning and for repeating English stanzas needs no amplification. These were learned by heart on the first day with less than half of the repetitions necessary for the shortest of the syllable series.

We must expect to fail... but fail in a learning posture determined no to repeat the mistakes and to maximize the benefits from what is learned in the process.

I learned a lot from my Mom. My favorite lesson: remember there is no such thing as a certain way to parent and to remember that you are learning along with your child - it's ok to make mistakes.

It's interesting to do other people's music - that's how I learned to play by learning other people's songs. It's nice to delve into how other people got to where they are.

I learned what I need to do in the long jump what I needed to do in the javelin and I've been able to rectify those events. It's been a bit of a learning curve which is good.

I was learning as I did in the Ministry of Defense. I never knew but I always learned.

I always say the minute I stop making mistakes is the minute I stop learning and I've definitely learned a lot.