Search For communication In Quotes 279

I don't understand why people whose entire lives or their corporate success depends on communication and yet they are led on occasion by CEOs who cannot talk their way out of a paper bag and don't care to.

The thing I've come to learn is that what's great about small independent films is the intimacy and the communication that occurs when you're making them.

It's populated by people who by and large have terrific communication skills. Every day is an extraordinary day. For me it was just a great area for storytelling.

Anonymous blog comments vapid video pranks and lightweight mash-ups may seem trivial and harmless but as a whole this widespread practice of fragmentary impersonal communication has demeaned personal interaction.

I slept for four years. I didn't study much of anything. I majored in something called communication arts.

I don't think there has been enough communication between the players and the tournaments. In one sense it's just as much the players' fault. Players talk between each other and in the locker room about things that can be improved and then when the time comes to talk and really do something about it they stop.

My wife and I have built trust with our children and have always had open communication.

People recognize certain things like 'D' means 'this dialogue stinks.' We're dealing with shows that are written here shot in New York and posted back here. Accurate communication is a necessity.

I thought my life was mapped out. Research living in the forest teaching and writing. But in '86 I went to a conference and realised the chimpanzees were disappearing. I had worldwide recognition and a gift of communication. I had to use them.

I never told a victim story about my imprisonment. Instead I told a transformation story - about how prison changed my outlook about how I saw that communication truth and trust are at the heart of power.