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I will end up with someone in the arts. I am positive. I eat breathe and sleep acting. And I'll end up with someone who is happy staying at home and having me cook supper. But I also really need to be intellectually challenged and stimulated. I want someone bookish and someone who is passionate.

One of the biggest challenges in my job is letting go of the movie once you go home at night and knowing you can't do anything to your performance once you've laid it on film.

Great music is its own movie already. And the challenge as a music fan is to keep the song as powerful as it wants to be to not tamper with it and to somehow give it a home.

I report to you that our country is challenged at home and abroad: that it is our will that is being tried and not our strength our sense of purpose and not our ability to achieve a better America.

I believe that we must maintain pride in the knowledge that the actions we take based on our own decisions and choices as individuals link directly to the magnificent challenge of transforming human history.

This is what I wanted. They tell me that London is the best field in history. I wanted to be part of that. Because everyone will be there it will be a wonderful challenge for me. You can see the best runners how they look how they run. For me to beat the best is what counts.

These fallen heroes represent the character of a nation who has a long history of patriotism and honor - and a nation who has fought many battles to keep our country free from threats of terror.

It's a huge challenge a huge responsibility. Bond is a huge iconic figure in movie history. These opportunities don't come along very often so I thought 'Why not?'

History is malleable. A new cache of diaries can shed new light and archeological evidence can challenge our popular assumptions.

If our history can challenge the next wave of musicians to keep moving and changing to keep spiritually hungry and horny that's what it's all about.

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I am sure it is one's duty as a teacher to try to show boys that no opinions no tastes no emotions are worth much unless they are one's own. I suffered acutely as a boy from the lack of being shown this.