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United Nations peacekeepers are going all over the world spreading AIDS even while they're trying to bring peace. What a supreme irony.

I've always had questions about what it meant to be a protester to be in the minority. Are the people who are trying to find peace who are trying to have the Constitution apply to everybody are they really the radicals? We're not protesting from the outside. We're inside.

Most of the approaches to peace between Israel and the Palestinians have been directed at trying to resolve the most complex problems like refugees and Jerusalem which is akin to building the pyramid from the top down.

You know I think I think the Palestinians are trying to get away without negotiating. They're trying to get a state to continue the conflict with Israel rather than to end it. They're trying to basically detour around peace negotiations by going to the U.N. and have the automatic majority in the U.N. General Assembly give them give them a state.

The Palestinians want a state but they have to give peace in return. What they're trying to do in the United Nations is to get a state without giving Israel peace or giving Israel peace and security. And I think that's that's wrong. That should not succeed. That should that should fail.

When Communist U.S.S.R. was a superpower the world was better off. The right-wing media is trying to marginalize the peace movement.

I could start a war in 30 seconds. But some countries spend 100 years trying to find peace. Just like good manners peace has to be learned.

Neutrality is a negative word. It does not express what America ought to feel. We are not trying to keep out of trouble we are trying to preserve the foundations on which peace may be rebuilt.

I get those fleeting beautiful moments of inner peace and stillness - and then the other 23 hours and 45 minutes of the day I'm a human trying to make it through in this world.

You will find peace not by trying to escape your problems but by confronting them courageously. You will find peace not in denial but in victory.