Search For ships In Quotes 269

Dodging and burning are steps to take care of mistakes God made in establishing tonal relationships.

One of the functions of an organization of any organism is to anticipate the future so that those relationships can persist over time.

There are hurdles there are handicaps hardships you have to face in life but you hope for a great future.

Habitual texters may not only cheat their existing relationships they can also limit their ability to form future ones since they don't get to practice the art of interpreting nonverbal visual cues.

God is more interested in your future and your relationships than you are.

The hardships that I encountered in the past will help me succeed in the future.

It became very clear to the director that it would be foolish not to use our friendship. I had tried to talk to him about it because all the relationships in the film are so not negative but antagonistic. There's not a lot of love going around.

My first experiences of academic friendship made me smile in after years when I looked back on them. But my circle of acquaintances had gradually grown so large that it was only natural new friendships should grow out of it.

Value your friendship. Value your relationships.

Never make friends with people who are above or below you in status. Such friendships will never give you any happiness.

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I think no artist can claim to have any access to the truth or an authentic version of an event. But obviously they have slightly better means at their disposal because they have their art to energize whatever it is they're trying to write about. They have music.