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I'd like to classify my life as a romantic comedy. Unfortunately I feel it's probably more like a TV reality show.

Mind you Roman Holiday - which is kind of a romantic comedy - is one of my favorite films and I think Audrey Hepburn is absolutely phenomenal in that movie.

Christmas is a time of year that's so romantic.

I'd like to be played as a child by Natalie Wood. I'd have some romantic scenes as Audrey Hepburn and have gritty black-and-white scenes as Patricia Neal.

I always wanted a guitar. I always wanted to be a cowboy singer because I also listened to Hank Williams and he would always sing these neat romantic songs.

Basically I'm a romantic.

Cooking is always very romantic!

I've been married before but I've never had my dream wedding in Vegas. I wanted to do it there because it's casual quick not religious and most of all very romantic.

I'm the first one who sees every romantic comedy in theaters.

I'm still a bit of a romantic and an idealist and hopelessly naive.