Today because of President Obama's courage kids can stay on their parent's plan until they are 26. Insurers cannot kick you off your policy because you have hit your limit. They will not be able to deny you because you have a pre-existing condition.
For too long our country's version of an energy policy has consisted of Americans waking up every day and wondering how much it will cost to drive to work how much it will cost to keep their business running how much it will cost to heat or cool their homes.
It's been my policy to view the Internet not as an 'information highway ' but as an electronic asylum filled with babbling loonies.
Obama has no power to change American policy because there are people who specialize in drawing these policies which have been and still are hostile towards Islam.
The reality of split government puts a premium on creativity within the administration. President Obama needs to put the right people in charge of the agencies and then have them push the bounds of administrative power to change policy through those agencies. President Obama has a pretty good track record of this.
I think it's harder for people than it should be. But as more and more of us become carbon neutral and change the patterns in our lives to be part of the solution instead of part of the problem we are now beginning to see the changes in policy that are needed.
It is time to change our policy of appeasement toward the Palestinians to strengthen our ties with the nation of Israel.
In Britain like most of the developed world stem-cell research is regarded as a great opportunity. America will be left behind if it doesn't change policy.
Let me be absolutely clear. Israel is a strong friend of Israel's. It will be a strong friend of Israel's under a McCain administration. It will be a strong friend of Israel's under an Obama administration. So that policy is not going to change.
Energy and environmental regulation transportation and broadband policy all benefit when legislators have a basic grounding in the technical concepts behind business models products and innovation.