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It's interesting when people make comments about celebrities' weight gain or lack of weight gain as if they're a medical professional that's treating that celebrity. Like 'This doctor does not treat Jessica Simpson but thinks her weight is unhealthy.' If you don't treat her then how do you know?

The growth of technology is such that it is not possible today for a nuclear physicist to switch into medical physics without training. The field is now much more technical. More training is needed to do the job.

Haiti is always talking about decentralization and nothing has been so obvious perhaps a weakness as the centralized nature of Haitian society as being revealed by the earthquake. I mean they lost all these medical training programs because they didn't have them anywhere else.

If I'm pushed I'd also have to admit I don't like people with allergies. They just annoy me. There seems to be something far too self-centred about it. 'No thanks I'm allergic.' Why not just say 'No thanks'? I wasn't asking for your medical history I was just passing around the nuts. Trying to be friendly that's all.

Because I am not formally trained in the medical sciences I can bring in new ideas to AIDS research and the cross-fertilization of ideas from different fields could be a valuable contribution to finding the cure for AIDS.

Synergy and serendipity often play a big part in medical and scientific advances.

To date embryonic stem cell research has not produced a single medical treatment where ethical adult stem cell research has produced some 67 medical miracles.

In our own state we came up with I think what was a very novel approach to closing the gap on the uninsured. To harmonize medical records - which was a major step in getting costs out of the system.

Many of us are alarmed at the skyrocketing cost of medical care including patients who are the consumers. However medical malpractice is not the reason for these increasing costs.

Today all patients accepted for treatment at St. Jude's are treated without regard for the family's ability to pay. Everything beyond what is covered by insurance is taken care of and for those without insurance all of the medical costs are absorbed by the hospital.