Search For lesson In Quotes 169

Personally I rather look forward to a computer program winning the world chess championship. Humanity needs a lesson in humility.

The biggest lesson I've learned by living abroad for the last four years is the importance of communication.

I'm not a bad driver. And I never will be because I took lessons when I was quite a boy. I never had to pass a test because there wasn't such a thing when I first started driving a motor car. So I didn't have to pass one.

All those lessons that I've learned on the court I have applied them to my life outside of the court in business my company called V Starr interiors an interior design company and EleVen which I wear on court.

Rest assured that whatever station of life we are placed princely or lowly it contains the lessons and experiences necessary at the moment for our evolution and gives us the best advantage for the development of ourselves.

The best kids are going to become the best. But the best thing about it is that you're going to learn lessons in playing those sports about winning and losing and teamwork and teammates and arguments and everything else that are going to affect you positively for the rest of your life.

Some of the best lessons we ever learn are learned from past mistakes. The error of the past is the wisdom and success of the future.

My father always taught by telling stories about his experiences. His lessons were about morality and art and what insects and birds and human beings had in common. He told me what it meant to be a man and to be a Black man. He taught me about love and responsibility about beauty and how to make gumbo.

The real beauty of it - key to my life was playing key chords on a banjo. For somebody else it may be a golf club that mom and dad put in their hands or a baseball or ballet lessons. Real gift to give to me and put it in writing.

Of all the lessons most relevant to architecture today Japanese flexibility is the greatest.