Search For institution In Quotes 159

Learned Institutions ought to be favorite objects with every free people. They throw that light over the public mind which is the best security against crafty and dangerous encroachments on the public liberty.

What we call wisdom is the result of all the wisdom of past ages. Our best institutions are like young trees growing upon the roots of the old trunks that have crumbled away.

We're all entitled to opinions about how art institutions should behave and entitled to voicing those opinions through whatever means available to us. We're also allowed to change or modify our opinions.

Of course art world ethics are important. But museums are no purer than any other institution or business. Academics aren't necessarily more high-minded than gallerists.

Almost all institutions own a lot more art than they can ever show much of it revealing for its timeliness genius or sheer weirdness.

The 150th anniversary of Penn State will highlight what is important and good about this distinguished institution and the fine people and research that it produces.

Next month I will celebrate my 30th anniversary of marriage with my beautiful bride Vicki. Our marriage has been a blessing. I have gained even more respect for the institution over the past 3 decades and will defend it against attack.

I think that marriage is an amazing institution and should be preserved and you can have great marriages and you must because sharing your life with someone is like the greatest thing. And I loved being able to set a good example for that on television.

The hallmark of our age is the tension between aspirations and sluggish institutions.

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I believe if there is any place left where the humanity is still visible it can not be anywhere else than in an Islamic society. Time would come when the world would be obliged to accept this reality.