Search For govern In Quotes 1413

Clever and attractive women do not want to vote they are willing to let men govern as long as they govern men.

I have no ambition to govern men it is a painful and thankless office.

Men are more easily governed through their vices than through their virtues.

The government can still conduct clandestine searches of innocent people's private information such as library medical and financial records. This is wrong and should have been addressed in a true compromise.

It is false to suggest that medical breakthroughs come only through government research.

Corporate governance is a huge issue too. We don't have women on these corporate boards. More than half of the students in law school are women more than half of the women I think in medical school now are women.

Civil marriage like all civil rights provided by the government must be provided equally to all Americans.

In response to our fast-food culture a 'slow food' movement appeared. Out of hurried parenthood a move toward slow parenting could be growing. With vital government supports for state-of-the-art public child care and paid parental leave maybe we would be ready to try slow love and marriage.

The church's teaching on marriage is unequivocal it is uniquely the union of a man and a woman and it is wrong that governments politicians or parliaments should seek to alter or destroy that reality.

No Government has the moral authority to dismantle the universally understood meaning of marriage.