Search For exercise In Quotes 218

From faith hope and love the virtues of religion referring to God there arises a double act which bears on the spiritual communion exercised between God and us the hearing of the word and prayer.

Every life is a profession of faith and exercises an inevitable and silent influence.

People who believe they have the power to exercise some measure of control over their lives are healthier more effective and more successful than those who lack faith in their ability to effect changes in their lives.

Man must cease attributing his problems to his environment and learn again to exercise his will - his personal responsibility in the realm of faith and morals.

It strikes me as odd that the free exercise of religious faith is sometimes treated as a problem something America is stuck with instead of blessed with.

Fundamental ideas are not a consequence of experience but a result of the particular constitution and activity of the mind which is independent of all experience in its origin though constantly combined with experience in its exercise.

How are men to be secured in any rights without instruction how to be secured in the equal exercise of those rights without equality of instruction? By instruction understand me to mean knowledge - just knowledge not talent not genius not inventive mental powers.

Small natures require despotism to exercise their sinews as great souls thirst for equality to give play to their heart.

Here once again education is crucial it enables children to be become more aware of their rights and to exercise them in a respectful manner which helps them shape their own future.

The test and the use of man's education is that he finds pleasure in the exercise of his mind.